2018 Bio Blog — Derek Barton – 2018

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Thought it was due time to give you a little more insight into me as a writer and me as the average Joe.

  1. Do you have any advice for beginning writers?  Be consistent and persistent.  You have to keep pushing and pushing.  I’m seeing slow progress (a steady incline!), but it is definitely not an overnight-success kind of thing.  It takes a lot of work and faith in yourself.  Right now is a fantastic time to be a writer as there are tons of advice columns, writer blogs and mentoring sites out there to get any of your questions answered.

  2. What is your writing routine? How do you discipline yourself to keep at it?  I work on my writing every night — usually between 10 through 2 AM.   It’s become my passion and my stress release, so when I don’t get to it or have no energy to do it, I feel even worse actually.  I have three kids and I do have a full-time day job as a sales supervisor for a medicare healthcare company which occupies the majority of my life.  So those few hours of the day that I can spend on my writing is crucial.  I don’t waste them or take them for granted.  My writing is a lengthy process so if I want to share more stories, then that is what it takes.

  3. How do you begin a novel?  My novels are first outlined and broken down into scenes.  Some people are plotters and some can do it by the “seat of their pants” (called pantsers).  I tried for many years to be a pantser, but it finally became apparent to me that I NEED AN OUTLINE in order to stay on track and not lose my place in the storyline.  Plus I tend to weave subplots within the main story and that can be a very delicate surgery sometimes!

  4. Do you go through a lot of drafts?  I tend to do a very involved outline now (what I call my Bullet Outline) and then I write the first draft.  Then I make another two rounds of personal editing if possible.  My editing skills are nowhere near what I thought they were — you will find real quick what your level of editing skills are when you send it to a professional!  YIKES!  I am trying to get better and now that I see the trends, I try to avoid those mistakes in my initial writing or I will go back through and weed them out.

  5. Where is your favorite place to write and why?  I am not a picky person when it comes to where.  Some writers have to have everything precise and always uniform (same place, same time, same paper or same coffee mug, etc).  I am flexible, but that’s also because I had to learn to be.  I don’t have an office — I write in the living room!  The only thing I really need is isolation — I immerse myself into the writing and focus on the picture forming inside my head to find all the needed details and imagery I can put upon the page.  Other than that, I am good to go.

  6. What is the first book you remember reading?  I read Watership Down by Richard Adams in sixth grade.  It sucked me in even though it was a novel all about the desperate lives of wild rabbits.  From there I read The Hobbit and became addicted to fantasy stories.  Later in my teens (go figure!), I couldn’t pass up any horror novels I found.  Thus, I have an attraction to writing in both genres.  And often times, there are elements of both in my stories.

  7. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?  I am definitely working to have a body of work that has some common connections.  My fantasy stories are all in the same world and same characters for now… But my horror novellas are also linked.  A minor character, a Detective Chad Ellis in the novella In Four Days becomes a key figure and character in my Elude series.  Finding those little threads which bind a story with another always entertained me as a reader so I wanted to give that back to my fans as well.

  8. What was your hardest scene to write?  In Consequences Within Chaos, I found the hardest scene to write for me was the first major battle my heroes faced with the Viestrahl (a beast race intent on destroying the humans colonizing their lands).  I had never had experience writing one and unless you know exactly all the details, you really can’t just write the scene out.  Even though I had an outline and I knew the generalities of what I wanted as an outcome, I didn’t have the specifics.  In other words, who goes where, who comes in later, who gets injured, how do they get injured, who dies, etc.  It is a lot to take in and it daunted me horribly.  I put the book aside for several months before I took the plunge and bulldozed through it.  Once I got into it and learned the process, I was able to take up other battle scenes quicker and with better organization.

Okay… now for a little less serious insight into me!


  1. DO YOU PLAY BOARD GAMES? WHICH ONES? Yes.  My wife’s and I’s favorite is a game called Lords of Waterdeep.  We also like games that have links to the Call of Cthulhu stories by H.P. Lovecraft.

  2. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? When I am in the car, it’s heavy metal.  When working out, it’s techno or dubstep.  When I am writing I love epic classical going in the background.

  3. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? Sometime after 6 AM (probably the only time in my life I chose to wake early!)

  4. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? Make enough book sales to write professionally, but I would also love to have a much bigger fan base.

  5. WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Don’t have one.  My parents hated theirs so they decided I didn’t need to be stuck with one.

  6. THE BEST TV SHOW EVER CREATED? Game of Thrones and close behind it Dexter (hmmm there is that fantasy and horror combo again!)

  7. DO YOU GET SCARED IN THE DARK? No.  But I do like to come up with ideas for horror stories while sitting or walking in the dark.

  8. WOULD YOU RATHER BE SMART OR FUNNY? Can I go for both and be a smartass?

  9. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS? With my late hours, I  am a double Rockstar morning person.  I know it’s not the best for me, but I don’t drink or smoke so this isn’t such a horrible vice.

  10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPING? Hawaiian Pizza baby!!


  12. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? Red Chevy Nova

  13. WHAT IS YOUR FANTASY CAREER? Screenplay writer


  15. DO YOU LIKE SPICY FOOD? Nope.  I have been accused of saying vanilla ice cream is spicy!

  16. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST?  Tone of voice.  So easy for people to say stuff “jokingly” but their tone says what they are really feeling.

  17. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF YOUR COUNTRY? WHERE DID YOU GO? Yes. Canada and Mexico a couple times.  That’s it.  Someday I would love to see Austrailia and Scotland.

  18. FAVORITE FOOD? Chinese

  19. FIRST JOB? Busboy at a buffet.  HATED IT!  Only restaurant job I ever worked.

  20. HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN A MOTORCYCLE? Yes, my father and I would go on rides when I was younger.

  21. WHAT TV SHOWS DO YOU WATCH CURRENTLY? Game of Thrones, Criminal Minds, Mr. Mercedes, Face-off

  22. CAN YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? I used to play Alto & Baritone Saxophone in middle school but doubt I would do very well with it now.  I can’t read music anymore that’s for sure!

  23. FAVORITE VACATION SPOT? Sedona, AZ or there’s a cabin rental property in Strawberry, AZ.   

  24. HOW MANY (MORE) KIDS DO YOU WANT? No more thank you… We are a complete family.

  25. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Ugh… I don’t really want to answer this… Fine…  I was named after Derek & The Dominos.  *Shaking my head.

  26. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SWIM? I can.  Grew up around lakes my whole life.  And now that I live in the desert, I swim in pools on occasion.

  27. DO YOU GET SEASICK? Horribly!  I cannot even play first-person shooter video games due to motion-sickness.  And don’t get me started about the night I went to see Blair Witch in the movies!

  28. ARE YOU MARRIED? Yes, for five years and counting!

  29. WHERE WERE YOU BORN?  Warsaw, Indiana — it’s near Fort Wayne, Indiana.

  30. WHAT WERE YOUR FAVORITE TOYS AS A CHILD? Stretch Armstrong, Army Men and Hot Wheels

  31. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS OR PIERCINGS? I have one large Tribal tattoo on my shoulder that has three dragon heads circling a Celtic knot.  It represents my Past, my Present and my Future.

I think that’s enough for this year.  🙂

Hope you got a smile at least out of this silliness.

Audible Book Review of Joe Hill’s “The Fireman” — Derek Barton – 2018



The Fireman by Joe Hill — a Post-Apocalyptic Novel

Released in May, 2016 — 768 pages — Narrated by Kate Mulgrew

I have been for over a year now getting Audible books so I decided I would review and share my opinion on some of them with you. Enjoy!

The novel is a very unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre.  It is not the standard fare of zombies or survivors of a nuclear war — this is the tale of a band of people that live after a global pandemic virus has literally razed a good portion of society.

The Synopsis:

No one knows exactly when it began or where it originated. A terrifying new plague is spreading like wildfire across the country, striking cities one by one: Boston, Detroit, Seattle. The doctors call it Draco Incendia Trychophyton. To everyone else, it’s Dragonscale, a highly contagious, deadly spore that marks its hosts with beautiful black and gold marks across their bodies—before causing them to burst into flames. Millions are infected; blazes erupt everywhere. There is no antidote. No one is safe.

Harper Grayson, a compassionate, dedicated nurse as pragmatic as Mary Poppins, treated hundreds of infected patients before her hospital burned to the ground. Now she’s discovered the telltale gold-flecked marks on her skin. When the outbreak first began, she and her husband, Jakob, had made a pact: they would take matters into their own hands if they became infected. To Jakob’s dismay, Harper wants to live—at least until the fetus she is carrying comes to term. At the hospital, she witnessed infected mothers give birth to healthy babies and believes hers will be fine too. . . if she can live long enough to deliver the child.

The Review:

I really enjoyed the book…at first…

The whole idea of this virus that is at once beautiful but terrifying is very intriguing.  The victims know that they are doomed yet there is an allure to the markings that resemble tattoos of black and gold.

It poses the question of what would you do?  Knowing that you are destined to die in a terrible flash of fiery death, putting everyone around you at risk as well:  would you kill yourself before combusting, would you run and hide in isolation, or would you go “out in a blaze of glory”?!

My complaint with this novel is that the plot is not focused.  The writer starts with the husband being the antagonist, then before the story sinks its teeth into it, the writer goes with another villain, the Cremation Squads.  These are men that have decided to cleanse the streets of infected in a vigilante-style of justice.

Harper finds safety, teamed up with The Fireman, an infected man who has some control of the virus.  He brings her to The Farm where he and other infected refugees find sanctuary in a cult-like compound.  Here again, Hill changes his mind and decides that the fanatical leaders of the cult are his true villains.

Finally, the story weaves itself back to the still psychotic husband.  Hill doesn’t seem to know who he wants to go after Harper or he doesn’t know which direction he wants to take the story.  In a post-apocalyptic world, you probably would have all sorts of villains and very few people to trust, but I felt that this story was too misguided.

It’s a true shame as he has some fantastic and intriguing characters.  The main character portrayed by the fantastic actress, Kate Mulgrew, is a heroic and yet humble woman who just wants to live long enough to give her baby a chance.

Like his father, STEPHEN KING, he has the great talent for creating memorable and remarkable characters, but until he finds a true focus for his stories, he is going to run into issues like The Fireman.

The Narration:

Kate M

Kate Mulgrew (born April 29, 1955) is an American actress. She is known for the roles of Captain Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager and Galina “Red” Reznikov on Orange Is the New Black. She first came to attention in the role of Mary Ryan on the daytime soap opera Ryan’s Hope. Mulgrew has won an Obie Award, and has received a Golden Globe Award and Primetime Emmy Award nomination. She is an active member of the Alzheimer’s Association National Advisory Council and the voice of Cleveland’s MetroHealth System.   –From Wikipedia

Mulgrew does a fantastic job of bringing the main character to life and keeps you immersed in this cruel new world.  And nothing is more funny than hearing Captain Janeway drop a few F-bombs!


The Rating:

Four Stars for the incredible characters and the creative new version of an apocalyptic world.  A good tale that needs better story control and focus.   RECOMMENDED (but with some warning!)


By Derek Barton — Author of ELUDE:   PART ONE (horror/crime), In Four Days: a Horror-Suspense Novella.   Also the Dark Fantasy novel series Consequences Within Chaos and The Bleeding Crown.


First Elude Book Review! — Derek Barton – 2018

Elude Review

Customer Review

on September 7, 2018
Genre – Crime/Suspense/Horror
Pages – 109
Publication Info – CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 6, 2018)
Format – Digital
Stars – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Elude: Part One by Derek Barton, is a bit of a departure from the usual horror/fantasy books of his that I’ve read. He defined this to me as a dark crime/horror story. Part One most definitely touches on the dark and the crime. The horror element has yet to be established or explained. There is something afoot and unexplained happening in Phoenix and its suburbs, and the possibility of something nefarious and/or other worldly or evil is taking place but yet to be explained. Note that this is indeed only Part One – there’s is much more story to be told – if you’re expecting a full stop ending you may be disappointed, this is a continuing story (it’s in the title folks Part One). I am left wanting to know more and am anxious to keep following this intriguing story filled with some very interesting characters, some with very questionable motives. It’s a quick read with a steady pulse that keeps giving. Part Two should be lots of fun.

Synopsis (from back cover): Stepping blindly into a horrific murder scene, a young ex-con, Vicente Vargas, must flee from the police while eluding the real killer who continues to pin more bodies on him in this intricate cat-and-mouse game.

Cut off from all friends and family, tried and convicted by the press, Vic must survive on his wits and cunning on the gritty streets of Phoenix, Arizona long enough to clear his name.

About the author: Derek Barton was born in northeast Indiana in 1970. The typical introvert kid; closer to books than people, but grew up with a fascination for horror novels (Stephen King, Dean Koontz) and medieval fantasy (Piers Anthony, R.A Salvatore).

In April of 1996, he moved out to Phoenix, Arizona to find his own path.

He has been married to his wonderful wife, Erika since October 5th, 2012. They have three children, Jenna, Johnny and a three-year-old baby girl, Jessiena!

Recently he has completed his first novel, Consequences Within Chaos, as well as the sequel, The Bleeding Crown. Also on Amazon & Kindle, In Four Days: A Horror Suspense Novella and Seyde In Blood: Consequences Within Consequences Prequel Short Story.

Please check out Bill Bitner’s Book Review Website — Book Review Village

Website:  https://booksinmylibraryblog.wordpress.com/

He has assembled a vast collection of book reviews and will give you great insight into anything you are thinking of reading!

September & October 2018 Bi-monthly Goals — Derek Barton – 2018

Goal Pic

It’s that time again to hold my production record up to the spotlight and see how I did…

  • Complete the Audiobook for In Four Days.   DONE!  Now available for sale on Amazon & Audible.com for $4.86 (membership pricing)!!
  • Create/organize this year’s 2018 Indie Fantasy Book Giveaway with several other independent authors.  DONE!  I will be sending out another blog on this shortly, but I will be hosting the 2018 Indie Giveaway for the month of September.
  • Add a new page to the site showcasing associates and people I have worked with and what they can do for other writers.  DONE — sort of.  I did a blog shout-out as my show of appreciation for their help and efforts.
  • Find at least two places to do a book-signing appearance.  PARTIAL FAIL.  Got a book-signing with Bookmans in Phoenix for Oct 6th.  Still looking for another location.
  • Schedule one or two more comic-cons or book festivals by the end of the year.  FAIL.  I just don’t have the finances yet for the extra costs to do the comic-cons yet, but this is a major goal of mine to accomplish for next year.  I hope to have at least two or three appearances booked for 2019.
  • Finish editing for Elude #1 & #2.  DONE — sort of… I have finished Elude #1 but Elude #2 is still being worked through.  Elude #1’s editing took a bit longer than I hoped but at least I was still able to get the book produced by the end of August.  🙂
  • Design the book cover for Elude #1 & #2.  DONE!  Very happy with the book cover — decided to just use one cover for all three parts.  Now if I could get a better handle on doing book blurbs.
  • Write the end of Elude #3.  FAIL.  Just too much to get fully written on top of all the editing.
  • Send out Monthly Newsletters by 15th of the month.  DONE
  • Keep up The Hidden saga on the website every 2 weeks.  DONE


70% GOAL COMPLETION!!!  Highest scoring yet.  I didn’t accomplish 80% to actually consider this a “WIN”, but I feel the two months were still very successful and productive.

  • Complete the editing of Elude #2.
  • Publish Elude #2 by the end of October.
  • Complete the writing for Elude #3 (about 30,000 to 40,000 words).
  • Start my outline for Book #3 for the Wyvernshield Fantasy series.
  • Write up and prepare for writing in the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Challenge in November — Book #3 will be my focus for NaNoWriMo! (50,000 word count goal!)
  • Do a book-signing event in Arizona.
  • Craft a video book trailer for Consequences Within Chaos and The Bleeding Crown.  (Can you say strettcccchhhhh gooooaaalll???)
  • Work up my booth design for comic-cons and book festivals.
  • Send out Monthly Newsletters by 15th of the month.
  • Keep up The Hidden saga on the website every 2 weeks.




Elude V12




Stepping blindly into a horrific murder scene, a young ex-con, Vicente Vargas, must flee from the police while eluding the real killer who continues to pin more bodies on him in this intricate cat-and-mouse game. 

Cut off from all friends and family, tried and convicted by the press, Vic must survive on his wits and cunning on the gritty streets of Phoenix, Arizona long enough to clear his name.




N4D Revamp 2018c


$4.98 (Membership pricing) or 1 Credit !!! 

Amazing narration done by Charles Pendleton


Mysterious disappearances suddenly plague the Philadelphia area. A demonic force with an unending appetite hunts its streets and collects lost souls as trophies.

  • A young accountant encounters an unrelenting stalker and details her terror on the internet…
  • A troubled youth finds that even with new surroundings your troubles can still burn you…
  • A cab driver with ties to European organized crime soon regrets his own violent actions…
  • And a pair of brothers with a deep secret plunge into an abyss that threatens to swallow them whole.

IN FOUR DAYS is a collection of chilling stories of intense dread, buried dirty secrets and twisted fates that will leave you guessing up to the very end!

2018 THE INDIE FANTASY BOOK GIVEAWAY!! — Derek Barton – 2018

Ad Alt #1

For the month of September, we are offering a great book giveaway package of all eight of these indie fantasy novels for TWO WINNERS!!

To enter the giveaway for the eight ebooks, click HERE for quick entry!!


Want to know more about these books?



Nesa Miller — 


Torn from a life of childish innocence, fourteen-year-old Etain Rhys witnesses the brutal murder of her family. Running for her life, she inadvertently lands in the mystical realm of the Alamir, humans infused with powerful magic. No longer a child, she’s taken in by a small clan and learns their warrior ways. Moving up the ranks, the day comes when her chieftain tells her it’s time to move on.


After the death of his dark brother, Dar and Etain return to Laugharne, looking forward to a fresh start together. As the days pass, Dar’s mind seems to unravel, the past twisting into the present, nightmarish visions threatening to rip his sanity apart.

Unable to help in Dar’s recovery, Etain discovers her own brother she thought dead is alive. Her immediate reaction is to find him, visions of a happy reunion filling her head. Except, the boy she remembers has been under the tutelage of Dar’s dark brother for the past several years.

Despite warnings from close friends, she throws caution aside and goes in search of him. In doing so, she puts in motion a series of events from which they might not ever recover.


I’m just a girl in the world – of writing. Originally I hail from Texas and lived most of my life there, fell in love a few times, raised my kids, and generally had a great time. But, there was always something missing, well, I should say, someone. Who’d have thought he lived way across that big ole pond in a little place called England? Now I live in the motherland with my incredible dream man. It has been an adventure and has helped in the development of my Blood of Kaos series. Living in another country, even if it is English, gives you a new perspective on everything. I have learned that my family means a whole lot more to me than I thought. I miss my family – horribly – but – I have learned – I have seen – I have experienced – so much more by taking a chance and leaving the comfort of home. It’s been almost 4 years now and I’m still in an adjustment period. Don’t know if I’ll ever truly adjust to English ways. I think I’m just too Texan.

Susanne Lambdin


Legends are always based on some form of the truth.
Bloodlines: Exordium, Vol. 1, follows the saga of Logan Bennet left behind by the Earth Corps in the 13th century. By forming the Blood Knights—an organization of vampires sworn to defend the human race during a time England and Scotland are at war—Logan’s rash decisions lead to a chain of events that threaten the future.
With the Earth Corps’ defeat of Odin and Aries, the Blood Syndicate, led by Chancellor Logan, assumes the task of rebuilding international cities. His ‘Tolerance Act’ allows all Supernatural creatures to live together in harmony, but this is far from the truth.
The Dark Angels, forced to join the Syndicate, discover an army of the undead frozen in the hell dimension of Caceri. Meanwhile, Agent Parish and the Blood Knights, now employed as Syndicate time travel agents, use the Babylonian Stones to travel to the past to retrieve influential historical figures. Unless the Dark Angels and Agent Parish unravel the mystery behind the Syndicate’s darker purpose, the human race, which includes zombies cured by the Earth Corps, may once more be on the brink of total annihilation.


‘First comes the Dark, then Fire, Fang, and Flood.’

Bloodlines: Medius, book 2, finds Logan Bennet and his mother, Lenora, in Miami with the remnants of the Dark Angels. Shirkas—a species of super-zombies—are harassing the coastline. The Blood Syndicate and U.S. military defend the Wall of Liberty that surrounds the city, the only thing standing between the inhabitants and the horde. However, the Centauro rebels may have a solution—kill the High Council members, whom they believe control the zombies, and destroy the Babylonian Stones to prevent TTD agents from time-traveling. And they want the Dark Angels to help.

Dark mysteries and demonic rituals threaten the survivors of a war-torn world. Cadence and the Earth Corps are needed to prevent a hellish uprising, but where are they? And if Picasso, Logan, or Parish can find them, will they be able to stop the demons, or is this the beginning of Armageddon?


Susanne L. Lambdin (born 1962, Wichita, Kansas) is better known for her ‘based in part’ writing credit for Star Trek: The Next Generation Eps. 76 “Family” – remember when Wesley Crusher met his father on the holodeck when he turned 18 years of age? This was Susanne’s story sold to Star Trek in 1990. Since then she’s dedicated herself to writing fiction.

Having worked for Paramount Pictures from 1986 thru 1994, she beamed home to spend time with her family and to write fiction. Her genres include horror, supernatural, action/adventure, high fantasy, Gothic and historical romance, steampunk, and sci-fi (of course).

L.S. O’Dea


In a world filled with human-animal hybrids, Guards are bred to serve the Almightys until they’re no longer wanted.

Mutter waits for his execution. It’s inevitable. He was a fighter and he lost. No one wants an ex-fighter. He’s too big, mean and ugly. Death will be the only way he gets out of this cell, but then the unthinkable happens. An Almighty visits in the dead of night and offers him a chance to leave. A chance to live.

All he has to do is obey and Guards were bred to obey.

When Mutter is taken to his new home, something isn’t right. There’s food and a bed but there are sounds and smells from the other cages. Things that move like nothing he’s ever encountered.

For the first time in his life, he’s afraid. Afraid of the creatures that lurk nearby. Afraid of the shots his new master is giving him.

He knows he’s supposed to obey, to always follow their rules but if he doesn’t escape, he’ll become food for one of those things in the other cages. Or worse… turn into one of them.


The only way to leave Level Five is inside the belly of a beast.

McBrid understands the dangers of working on Level Five in Professor Conguise’s laboratory. Even the smallest mistake—a miscalculation, a momentary loss of focus or unsatisfactory results—can mean the end. Not the end of a job or a career but the end of his life.

The problem is he didn’t make a minor mistake. He killed the most important creature in the lab. Now, he must scramble to create a new Aranea.

He’s done it before and he can do it again. Only this time he must choose the right host because the new giant spider mutation must be smart, fast, deadly and willing to obey—if that’s even possible. He’ll soon find out if there is anything left of the person once the parasitic DNA takes over and if there’s not, he may just end up her dinner.

All the books in this series are standalone and may be read in any order.


L. S. O’Dea grew up the youngest of seven. She always wanted to do what her older siblings were doing, especially reading stories.

At a young age, she immersed herself in books. Her life changed when she read a short story written by her older brother and realized that normal (somewhat anyway, since her brother was a bit weird in her opinion) people created these amazing stories. From that day forward, she wanted to write.

However, as with all good stories, obstacles rose in her path (mostly self-created obstacles) and it took her many years to put finger to keyboard and write/type her first book.

Derek Barton


With a devastating war looming on the horizon for Wyvernshield, can its people place their faith and fate in the hands of a ruler who cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy?

How far into the depths of insanity would you go to prove your sanity?


Abducted by her family’s bitter rivals, spirited Princess Letandra finds herself stranded in a foreign land. Alone but confident a rescue will come at the hands of her brother, King Taihven, she focuses all her energy on surviving the unexpected trials she now faces.

But before he can save Leandra, she is captured by the sadistic Ebon Queen of the Quietus Dominion. Now, the princess must risk everything to escape and warn Taihven. War is coming not only for him, but the future of all hangs in the balance.


Derek Barton was born in northeast Indiana in 1970. The typical introvert kid; closer to books than people, but grew up with a fascination for horror novels (Stephen King, Dean Koontz) and medieval fantasy (Piers Anthony, R.A Salvatore).

In April of 1996, he moved out to Phoenix, Arizona to find his own path.

He has been married to his wonderful wife, Erika since October 5th, 2012. They have three children, Jenna, Johnny and a three-year-old baby girl, Jessiena!


Don’t miss your opportunity to step into the unique and amazing worlds today!!