New Character Sketch #1… — Derek Barton – 2017

Behind-the-scenes look at a new character coming up in my new novel, The Bleeding Crown.

This is a rough draft of her background story and her status before the events unfold in the book.  (Keep in mind that I may include all or selections of this character sketch.  It falls under the option “Author’s Choice”! ha)

Ama’yen of the Yuul

(Actress – Nadine Njeim)


Character Profile Questions:

How old? 22 years old

What does the character look like? Ama’yen has smooth, raven hair, tan skin, large feline-type silver eyes. Her race known as the Yuul all have the feline eye features and some have small cat-like ears.  She is in prime health and young.  However, the Yuul do not live as long as other races and usually have only a lifespan of forty to fifty years.

Where is the character from? The Yuul live on the Island Nation of Fhey Ras, a chain of thick, lush jungles and mountain range islands. Their capital city, Braama thrives in the crater of a dead volcano. Giant Tarro Black Eagles live along the tops of these mountains and have been domesticated by the Yuul.

How does your character deal with conflict? Ama’yen has become a survivalist and pragmatic. She will do whatever is necessary to keep her brothers alive and to complete her missions. Rare to show emotion and rarer to anger. Strong-minded, very rational and focused.

Where does she live? After the execution of her father, the Yuul surrendered to the Quietus Armies.  She was forced to become a formidable enforcer for the Ebon Throne. Now as a powerful sorceress, she performs detailed and intricate shadow missions — espionage and capturing enemies or persons of interest.  Ama’yen’s younger twin brothers are held as captives which keeps her loyal and devout.

Does the character have any unique or special abilities?  Ama’yen can call upon red, lightning elemental spells, but her greatest gift she is born with is the ability to magically clone herself for a temporary period. This allows herself to do multiple tasks all at once — cast several spells or fight hand to hand.  She can clone up to four forms of herself that will last up to fifteen minutes or until the clone suffers too much damage. This can only happen two times a day and she suffers crippling fatigue from this endeavor.

Who else is in their life?  She leads a small coven of other female Yuul sorcerers called the Rohax. She does have a lover, a female Yuul Beast-Master, Keseli.  She trains the Tarro and Ama’yen’s hunting beasts, the Panzurs (pitbull-panthers hybreds). Ama’yen has no intention of any true, long-term romance with Keseli. They flirt and use each other for their needs, but she has no future plans for herself or with anyone.

The character’s status?  As a Quietus enforcer, she has done well for herself and is favored with rewards often for her excellent service. Due to her obsessive determination, she rarely makes mistakes or unfulfills her missions. This has earned her many enemies as well as an almost legendary fearsome reputation. She will not be overtly evil or cruel, just business-like and unmoved by any pleas or begging.  No one’s life is above her brothers’ lives.  Her worry over her brothers keeps her locked in a private mental cell.

What is your character’s goal or motivation? She hopes to one day earn her twin brother’s freedom. She will not allow herself to think past this goal or have hope for a future for herself until then. In her mind, she will always be enslaved to The Bleeding Crown and the tyranny of the Quietus.



Wishful Thinking… — Derek Barton – 2017


Tonight I would like to just give you a brief glimpse into my mind and a snapshot image of some of the people from Consequences Within Chaos, my first novel.

As every writer and perhaps every reader will tell you, the characters and the places where they live can become so real, so tangible that when the book ends, you can actually feel a sense of loss.  A painful separation from heroes that you cheered for, walked right by their side when they fell or when they made a bad mistake.  When the book ends, you lose these new friends.  Trust me, the writer feels that same way as the readers.

Well, at least until the author brings them back to you in another story.  That is the whole fundamental reason for “sequels” — we miss these people and want to see them succeed at least one more time!

Anyway, I digress.

If I were to make a movie adaption today, who would I pick to play them?  Here are my choices for the main characters (heroes and villains) of Wyvernshield:

Prince Taihven Artadeus

Andrew Garfield


Prince and Heir-Apparent to the Throne of Tayneva and the capital city of Wyvernshield. He has lived seventeen years in shame and an embarrassment to his royal family due to a hidden mental malady that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy for him.

Princess Letandra Artadeus

Georgie Henley


She is older than her brother Taihven and has always been his protector and biggest defender.   Often Letandra finds herself in the middle of conflicts between Taihven and his Queen mother, Demetryce.

Queen Demetryce Artadeus

Helen Mirren


Queen and Court Justice for Wyvernshield.  Her cold demeanor and hard line stance on most subjects has not made her a popular person among the citizenry nor is she a well-respected diplomat like her husband.

King Haedrec Artadeus

J.K. Simmons

World premiere of 'Kung Fu Panda 3'

A legendary ruler and adventurer that resurrected the city of Wyvernshield from ancient ruins.  He has always prevailed for his people and his triumphs told often in song and story.  However, at the twilight of his life, he is succumbing to the Withering Disease when his city is bracing for a crushing siege by an army of beasts known as the Viestrahl.

Auste Cros’seau

Rutger Hauer


Son to an exiled noble that once tried to usurp the Artadeus Throne.  The dangerous spellcaster vows to restore all that was taken from his family and expects royal blood to be spilt in the streets of Wyvernshield.

Sergeant Renald Devin

Anthony Anderson


A charming warrior and leader among the Wyvernguard.  He wants to be instrumental in stopping the Viestrahl once and for all.

Sergeant Deliah Blackstaff

Emily Black


Another strong leader within the ranks of the Wyvernguard.  Her growing reputation and fighting prowess has paved the way for other females to shine in a male dominant military.  She even inspires Princess Letandra to take on more of an active role and face challenges head-on.

Captain Bardun Ruessard

Terrance Stamp


Battle-harden veteran responsible  for finding answers that will protect the lands of Tayneva while defending against internal citizen unrest and political strife centered around  the Artadeus Throne.


Isla Fisher


A young castle maid forced into a dangerous position that will cost her life, freedom or the country she loves.


Nestor Carbonell


Contracted for a dark deed, this Camiyaan slaver discovers more than he could have ever bargained for and becomes entwined in the volatile, bloody history that has risen to haunt the Artadeus Throne.

This was an entertaining exercise and a silly fantasy that I thought would be fun to share with you.   You may of course have different depictions of these people in your head as you read and that is fine — in fact I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback and/or opinions of who you would like to see as these characters.  Let me know!!